Genetic Health
Genetics plays a very important role in relation to fertility. Our experts will help you achieve the best results on your journey to a healthy family.
Preconception examination
Preimplantation examination
What is Genetic Health?
At the Gynera Fertility Clinic, we focus on the genetic healthcare of future parents and their children. We conduct thorough analyses of genetic material to identify genetic disorders, disease predispositions, and other genetic characteristics that may affect the health of your children.
We use state-of-the-art methods, such as genetic compatibility testing of couples and genetic examination of embryos using the PGT method. Our goal is to provide you with the assurance and peace of mind that you are doing everything possible to ensure the healthy future of your family.
Book a consultation
Start your journey towards parenthood with a personalized consultation at Gynera IVF Clinic—where every family begins with care.